"No man is an island."-John Donne, everyone of  us need others for us to grow and to survive. We are learning from them and they're learning too from us that's why we need everyone. The same thing in the field of teaching, learners need the teachers to learn and to guide them as well as teachers need the learners for them to grow by means of learning from them also. 

         Being a future educator I have the responsibility to take from my learners, I should not just always think that I'm the only one who can teach because admit it or not I'm also learning from my students. During my teaching I encountered a diverse kind of learners that have their own potentials in which they are standout with it then helps me to identify what type of educator I should be. It allows me to develop different kind of strategies that I should use to be able to boost the skills they have because there are types of learners which learn through visuals, those who are good in communicating, learn through music, nature lover and many more. In addition with, the learners also taught me that I should not be fear of trying something because discovery will start within myself. I should always think outside the box and not just focus on the things I'm good at but instead try to do something new and try to adapt it. It is true that being a teacher I should not just focus on one teaching strategies because I do have different types of learners I should always make different roads for them to walk through in accordance to where they standout. I must always have this what we call "maraming baon" to address the need of my students. Let them be as they be and don't set a high standard that we think is impossible to achieve, let them learn through their own.

       Lastly,  I realized that as a future educator the needs and interests of my learners must be given a priority for this will help them to grow. If this will happen, I can say that teaching and learning is effective for learners are enjoying and learning based on what their abilities can. From that, I have learned that being a teacher is not about myself but its about the ability of the learners as well as to what roads they are willing to take and through that I'm sure they can feel they always matter. 



  1. Wow! A great blog from a great teacher. The way you discuss how your learners' capabilities help you with your teaching ability shows that you truly care about your students. Keep up the good work!

  2. It's about being patient with yourself, patient with your students and always encouraging them to make the most of their learning experiences.

  3. Indeed, when we are teaching not only are we helping the children learn but they are also allowing us to learn from them! Great content Ma'am Chezka, keep it up!

    1. Thank you for recognizing as well as for sharing your thoughts, Ms. Verga.

  4. This is highly informative and inspiring! Keep it up! <3

  5. very informative, thank you for sharing this.

  6. The way you address students' needs and capabilities makes me wish you have been one of my teachers when I was younger.

  7. Your future learners will be so lucky to have an appreciative teacher like you! Keep fighting, Teacher Che!

  8. Wow! Your students will be proud and for having that kind of attitude towards your students is such a huge impact for them! Thanks for being appreciative and understanding, keep up the good work Ma'am!

  9. This is an extremely informative and inspiring blog. I like how you mentioned how meeting a variety of students could help you figure out what kind of teacher you want to be in the future. Continue your good work, future educator!


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