During my childhood days, I always think of what I really want to be when I grow up? Is it to be in a military service, a news anchor, a teacher or even a chef. Alot of professions came into my mind, but one thing I always considered of is the one that will make me happy and the one I enjoy doing the responsibilities I have. Time came, when I noticed that I do enjoyed teaching my classmates with the works they find it hard to answer, I also ensure that I allot some of my time to my nephews and nieces to teach them how to read and write and that's when I realized that teaching is the one I'm looking for. 

               In the field of teaching I took,  there are alot of bumpy roads I encountered and all of those helped me to developed holistically. During my Field Study Observation I experienced the actual teaching itself, it teaches me that as a future educator I must know how to communicate well to my students, in that manner I can help in building a healthy relationship between me and my learners, it is important to have a healthy relationship to avoid misunderstanding as well as to have a conducive learning environment to all. Furthermore, it exposed me in the real-world context wherein I saw the different kind of learners I have as well as their needs, strength and weaknesses as a result it allows me to think of different ways on how I can be creative that help the students to boost the potentials they have. Meanwhile, it also taught me that whenever I teach I should always have the courage and passion in executing it, in doing it so I can teach whole-heartedly I can always give what I have and share it to my learners. It reminds me that being a teacher is not just about the salary or even about myself but instead it's always about my learners. Lastly, the one that I can bring all throughout my journey is to be calm in every situation that I have and not to give up even if things get worse. As a teacher I never know what might happen during the teaching-learning process but one thing that teaching field taught to me is to stay calm in every situation, think of all possible solutions and most impotantly never give up for the reason that teaching is not just a profession but it is also a mission wherein I need to fulfill the tasks that He entailed to me.

         Indeed, the best teacher is always the experiences I'm encountering although sometime it allows me to question myself even the things I worked for but one thing I learned is that this is the one who teaches me how to stand even after falling for so many times. It makes me stronger than I used before and the one who made me realized that I'm in the good path of profession that I can do better and I can be a successful teacher someday. Before I end this blog I would like to share a quotation from Graciousquotes.com that says "Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show."





  1. What amazing content! That self-development that resulted from your teaching experiences is exactly what I've been looking for because it inspires me to do better. Keep up the good work and enjoy your journey!

    1. Oh I'm glad that my work inspires you. Thank you so much!

  2. You are such an inspiration!!! I love how passionate you are about your dream. Your experiences are a motivation to others who struggle with their future. I like how you overcome your struggles by changing them into an opportunity to do better. It encourages me to do better and be better for my future goals in life.

    1. Wow, its nice to know that my content motivates you. Thank you so much!

  3. As you stand up after falling a lot of times, I know you are now stronger and bolder. I cannot wait to see you walking around the teaching field equipped with all ypir experiences. Fly with all your colors and takeaway, Teacher Che!! Good luck!!

    1. Thank you, Ma'am Clarisse. Looking forward to work on with you in the teaching field.

  4. YES! the best part about being a teacher is the relationships you make and the memories that you create together 💖 🎈

  5. May you continue to inspire your students! Thank you for being an agent of change.

    1. Thank you for recognizing me, looking forward to see you in the field.

  6. Hello Ms. Chezka, I am really amazed at how you delivered your thoughts and experience as a future educator.. I can see that you will become an effective teacher in the near future. Good luck with your future endeavor. FIGHTING! <3

  7. I'm glad you made it through! May others be inspired with your story on becoming a teacher!

  8. indeed the experiences that we had always teaches us to become a better person

  9. The realization that, in teaching, its always about the students is inspiring. Capitalizing on those years as a student, it's very reassuring that the next generation of teachers value experience as a force of change and a tool for quality education.

  10. I admire your enthusiasm for taking on responsibilities by teaching.


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